Starting point: Car park in Burnsall.
Description: Easy to follow. Mostly level walking on riverside.
The walk: From the car park, cross the road and take the riverside path to the right of the Red Lion. Follow this path all the way to the suspension bridge. Cross the bridge and continue on the opposite bank of the river to the stepping stones.
If the river level is high or, like me, you're not comfortable with stepping stones, then go right through the gate , past the cottages and fish farm to reach a signposted path going left. Walk through the fields to the falls, turn left over the footbridge and then left down the lane to the church.
Walk out of the churchyard over a high stone - step stile leading into the lane to Linton Falls ( retracing your steps if you came by way of the falls.
Walk up the lane to the first cottages on your left and turn up a walled track at the side of the last cottage. ( signpost Stickhaw and B6160 ). Enter a field and aim for the left hand side of a barn, where you will find a stile in the wall. Go past the barn and over the brow and then diagonally right across the meadow to a stile. Cross two thin fields to emerge into the road. Turn right for about twenty paces, then left into a bridleway to Thorpe Lane.
Go half left up a field past a telegraph post and follow the direction of the signpost to a gate giving access to a walled footpath which leads to Thorpe Lane. Turn left on the lane. At the end of the lane turn right into Thorpe.
Swing left up the lane in front of the village green,past a fine Georgian house and climb the hill out of the hamlet. After a couple of hundred yards, look out for a walled track on the right signposted Burnsall. Follow the track, with no diversions, downhill until it ends. Take the gate on the right and continue down the slope.
The path is obvious and waymarked as it crosses the fields by a series of gap stiles. It eventually crosses the unsurfaced Badger Lane to continue in the same line over the brow of the hill when the tower of Burnsall church comes into view. Follow the route downhill to the end of the walk.
The pub: Red Lion Hotel, Burnsall. Good selection of cask ales. I chose a deep amber seasonal ale, Theakston's Infallible. Will be looking out for this one again.
Loup Scar
Suspesion Bridge built in 1885
Stepping Stones. I didn't cross them !
Linton Falls
Linton Church
Burnsall Bridge
Red Lion Hotel, Burnsall